~~Tires~~SANDBAGS~~SLeDge HaMMeRs~~ OH MY… just another day in the life of a Crossfitter

Women of CrossFit came out on May 7, 2011 to raise money and show support for a fellow Crossfitter from Woodward CrossFit who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Every moment was filled with the community of Crossfit. CF boxes from around the Austin area came in teams of two to THROWDOWN for a cause.  Leander CrossFitter Chris Brull captured a video of the event and the heart all the ladies put into the day.

The ladies of Crossfit Leander had three teams tackling the two WODs this day. Loaded up with tires, water bottles, sandbags and a “mystery” bag that we still wonder if it was dog food or mulch… regardless… IT WAS HEAVY!  This was a WOD showcasing the “functional fitness” of Crossfit. Carrying a tire, with a full tank of water sloshing around in one hand and trying to figure out how to balance the sandbag and sledge hammer with the other hand so that you can make it the 100 yards down the road. A few hours later it seemed very familiar when I had my squirmy 4yr old in one arm with her backpack filled with games and toys, and a few bags of groceries on the other arm – all while trying to unlock the front door. Sure it’s easy to say “set the child down and unlock the door”… sometimes you just can’t (pick your battle). Just like that morning when it would have been easier to set down the tire so it no longer pinched your shoulder and the water bottles filled with sand didn’t cut into each finger you held them with. Today the battle was CANCER, if we just quit and set the equipment down why were we even here? It was a THROWDOWN…. nothing today would be as hard as what Tara Knighton was going through.


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A CrossFit Mom and her Village

CrossFit Texas community!

 Crossfit — it’s “YOU AGAINST YOU”…. even when there are 10 others with shins to the bar ready to tackle the same work you are. At “3-2-1 Go” it is about the work YOU are going to do.  Even though we know the work is ours to do, we are all still a team.  This is best seen at the end of a WOD -one person finishes but they aren’t done… you see them at the foot of another who is still working and they stay right there encouraging them every step of the way.  I see this day after day in our gym and it defines the CrossFit Community that I love so much. 

As a Coach I can walk in the box and if I’m in a bad mood or had a bad day… you leave it at the door.  I see our members and I immediately forget my worries and thrive on seeing THEM improve, get stronger, faster or do something they NEVER thought they would able to do. 

 As an athlete myself, I have those same “just not into it” kind of days.  These last few weeks I have been blessed with receiving some of the CrossFit Community love myself. 

Every Saturday a group of us gather to train in preparation for the CrossFit competitions. An intense 2 hours of skill sets or heavy work and then a WOD to follow.  One of my favorite things about our little community is that all the kiddos are welcome.  I know my little Mekenzie has a blast!  They all tumble around the gym until we are ready to work… then off to the playroom they go ~ only a few “they aren’t sharing” moments happen -haha- but one of the many parents work the room and we are off.  My little Mekenzie has been in a CrossFit gym since she was about 2 yrs old so she knows the drill…and fits right in – usually with her own WOD right next to Mommy.

My norm is usually a few seconds during each WOD for Mommy moments between minutes of work. This Saturday, I had a little angel helping me as Mekenzie was really wanting me to stop and come play during my WOD. I have mastered the ability to talk to her when I can’t even breath because I’m mid burpee or kettlebell swing.  After a few quick stops to open a juice box or tie a shoe, my good friend Ashley just saw a Mommy moment. She saw a need and stepped in. The need for Mekenzie to have a playmate and the need for me to finish a workout. Both things provided what each needed. CrossFit is one of the sanity moments I need… after completing a WOD it gives me more than a fit and healthy body… It also provides a fit and healthy mind. These both carry over into my fit and healthy Mommy role

Saturday rolled around again.. I had to miss the first half of training and walked in as the group was about to start the WOD. I helped Coach the team and then had planned on doing it after class alone.  As I finished up working the heavy skill set I just LOST IT! I had no passion, no desire, no GRRRRR to do the WOD. I honestly just did not care in that moment. I wanted to pack up and go.  This is where my teammates stepped in and became my coaches and my motivation.  Crossfitters all know how it feels to have an “off” day, and this day they helped me through mine. 

These are the days I am remember how blessed I am to have a family in my Crossfit community. Thank you to all the “get up girl…get it done!” moments you share with me!